Yablio 2019



Check the latest movies released or the latest best rated TV Shows sorted by genres or networks. This is a consulting features only. The application does not provide any torrents or illegal content. Add your custom Movie and TV show Trailer or VOD provider.


View and download torrents from remote repository. Add your own torrent feed’s link. It could be a XML RSS feed or any text file container torrent file url or magnet url

Subtitles fetcher

Search and download subtitles from accorting to the name of the video currently playing and your preferred language settings or manually search subtitles. 



Associate torrent files with the application. Open torrent from your browser or your file explorer…


Automatically index torrent files on your system


Smartly sort your torrents according to the watch time and your personal using. TV show are grouped by seasons and episodes.


Retrieve posters, summaries, details and reviews for movies, TV shows and episodes

Filters torrents by network, genres, years to easy control watch torrent to display in the list

Customize subtitles and audio language as global settings or for each torrent individually. Useful for manga TV shows in Japanese. 

Settings : Fully control the application behavior. All the features of the application are settable.

Easy filter the player media content in the torrent file list. Don’t be bored by useless files

Track your already seen content. Mark episodes you've seen to remember what you need to watch next.

In-app Proxy settings : Set proxy for all http requests independently of your proxy system configuration

Check your torrent service provider account and download history

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